Hoodoo Psychics Lukianos
I’m a profound specialist situated in Baltimore, Maryland. My training is grounded in customary structures and techniques and fixated on the obi and dialogue, the divinatory crafts of the African and African-Diasporic Tradition, as well as profound regard for the vigorous frameworks of the body, and cognizant co-making with Nature and Spirit. I’m a Reiki Master and have shown Reiki and different types of energy work beginning around 1999.
I have been contemplating rootwork with miss Cat yronwode starting around 2003 and finished an apprenticeship with her at Lucky Mojo in 2008.
About Psychic Lukianos
Lukianos has been a peruser of cards and a soothsayer of obi with coconuts and with cowries for more than 10 years. I’m additionally knowledgeable in the esoteric craft of pyromancy or divination by the perusing of blazes and fire.
As a rootworker, my strengths include: the utilization of consecrated fire for filtration, redid candle work at my raised areas, the readiness of magic sacks, and the making of special necklaces and charms in various materials. I additionally plan and complete customized ceremonies for people or gatherings to stamp significant profound circumstances or life-altering situations.
Psychic Lukianos
Psychic Lukianos work with my clients to work with their association with Spirit, and to help them lucid and manifest their objectives. With the help of these points on the singular level, I utilize reliable summons strategies like otherworldly showers and cleansings, planning and setting candles, the solution of profound showers, waters and teas, and the fixing of jug spells, honey container spells, and spell boxes. I’m adroit at the creation of charms and ornaments and the creation of magic packs and gris.
I use divination to plan supernatural articles and significant customs, and I make special raised areas and reflective spaces to advance wanted profound states and results. For clients who wish private guidance, I offer discussions and rootwork exhortation.
As well as working for individual clients, I likewise make huge scope attempts to work with contact with Spirit among the overall population. These tasks have incorporated the making of over-size predecessor raised areas. Like my Boveda and Day of the Dead establishments for a public survey.
And a continuous series of introductions. Also, known as Drink Your Prayers/Drink Your Sins. In which guests and visitors are welcome to compose and disintegrate petitions for favors (Prayers).
Additionally for the expulsion of impediments (Sins) in profound teas planned from customary botanicals for Love, Prosperity, Luck, Fear, Envy, Wrath – – and afterward to drink their words.
More about Lukianos
As of now, I offer readings and meetings for rootwork and summon. By arrangement just both face to face or by telephone. Each client’s circumstance and the wanted result is one of a kind.
Also, I start cases by doing a perusing with the client so the work might be custom. Fitted to the particulars of the client’s case and objectives.
I’m ready to offer a conference on issues of Spiritual Protection, Uncrossing, Road Opening, Spiritual Cleansing, and Personal Mastery. I don’t at present acknowledge cases for separation, compromise, or reviling/cursing sorts of work.
I offer hoodoo psychic readings with these tools and methods:
Tarot Readings, by appointment, in person, or by phone, Obi and 4-Shell Readings, by appointment, in person. By phone, Pyromancy or Fire Divination Reading, by appointment, in person only
I use conjure to help you with these spiritual conditions:
Prosperity, Money Drawing, Business Success, Blessing, Cleansing, Healing. Also, Career Success, Personal Power, Mastery, and Wisdom, Protection Work, Reversing and Uncrossing Work
I perform rootwork using these spell casting techniques:
Altar work, Baths, Waters and Teas, Talismans and Amulets, Mojo Bags, Bottle Spells, Honey Jar Spells, Spell boxes, Setting Lights, Spiritual Cleansing, Head-Washing, Foot-Washing, Consultation, and Rootwork Advice, Working Within the African and African-Diasporic Tradition